Why does a person become drunk after drinking alcohol? Causes and mechanisms of rapid alcohol intoxication

Drinking alcoholic beverages provokes the development of a state of intoxication. This is due to the fact that ethyl enters the blood and negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system, kidneys and liver. When drinking alcohol, intoxication occurs in the body, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

It is not difficult to identify a drunk person; coordination is impaired and speech becomes incoherent. Some people say “I drink and never get drunk”; experts attribute this to the individual characteristics of the body.

The effect of alcohol on the body

Everyone knows that ethanol is dangerous to health, as it changes the psychological and physical state. Usually a person gets drunk from alcohol and this is due to the fact that the kidneys and liver cannot process toxic substances in large quantities in a short time.

Soft tissues are protected from external irritants by red blood cells, but when harmful elements accumulate, they rupture and alcohol penetrates the vascular system. Already through the capillaries, toxins spread throughout the body, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of all systems.

The first sign of intoxication is a flushed face.

It is important that under the influence of alcohol a person loses control over his actions and often becomes dangerous to others.

For some, drinking a glass of beer is enough to quickly lose control of themselves, but there is a category of people who can drink 0.5 liters of vodka and remain sane.

This is explained by the fact that strong drink affects everyone differently; height, gender, weight and individual structural features of the body also depend.

The reasons why people stop getting drunk from alcohol?

Sometimes it is possible to hear that I do not get drunk from any type of alcohol. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors. For example, a slow metabolism does not allow you to quickly get drunk, since when metabolism in the body occurs actively, alcohol is instantly absorbed into the walls.

If the drinker is completely healthy and does not suffer from chronic or infectious diseases, then the liver and kidneys cannot cope with the processing, and for this reason the person does not have time to get drunk.

Alcoholics do not experience intoxication due to the death of brain cells. When products containing ethyl are drunk for a long time, significant changes occur in the internal systems. Toxic substances accumulate and destroy the structure of neurons, which provokes a decrease in the number of healthy cells.

The drunkard begins to deteriorate, thought processes are disrupted, and at the last stage of the disease it becomes impossible to understand simple things. The patient cannot cope with alcoholism on his own; this pathology requires long-term therapy and rehabilitation.

Treatment of the disorder occurs with the help of medications prescribed by a narcologist, and consultations with a psychologist will also be required to return to your previous life.

Factors that change the rate of intoxication

The degree of intoxication depends on the production of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase.

If the body contains this element in increased quantities, then the rate of exposure to ethyl decreases and the drinker remains sober for quite a long time. An important factor is individual characteristics - weight, gender, age.

For example, after 40 years, alcohol quickly affects internal systems, as structural changes occur and the influence of ethyl increases. Body weight plays an important role, because people who are light weight get drunk faster. This is due to the fact that alcohol is actively absorbed into soft tissues.

Unlike men, women get drunk because they are more susceptible to strong drinks.

How not to get too drunk at feasts

Large amounts of alcohol are bad for your health. For this reason, if there is a special event coming up where you plan to drink alcohol, you need to prepare in advance. Precautionary measures will allow you not only not to get drunk, but also to avoid a hangover.

The next day after drinking alcohol, people experience pain and dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These signs are defensive reaction the body to chemical elements that got inside during drunkenness. Those who regularly drink alcohol know about its consequences, but cannot give up the pleasure.

For example, 4-5 hours before the party you need to drink a glass of vodka. Then the body begins to produce special enzymes that contribute to the active processing of toxins. This prepares the liver.

The only disadvantage of this method- this is the appearance of fumes, which can cause some discomfort. During the feast, you must definitely have a snack; your stomach should not be empty, otherwise the alcohol will immediately begin to take effect. But you should not eat sweet fruits and confectionery, as glucose will only enhance the effects of alcohol.

Activated carbon is an excellent remedy that fights poisoning, but it can also prevent the manifestation of signs of intoxication. You need to take 4 tablets in a couple of hours, and when drinking alcohol, two more pills every 40-60 minutes.

Alcohol will not be consumed if you drink a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil before drinking; it is also good to eat a sandwich with red caviar.

If you feel unwell during a feast, you should immediately stop drinking.

It is required to carefully select products. You should not buy cheap drinks, as low-quality goods can harm your health. It is necessary to adhere to the rule of not mixing alcohol. For example, you should not drink wine or beer after cognac.

Intoxication instantly occurs from champagne, since carbon dioxide promotes the absorption of ethyl into blood vessels. But vodka has the opposite effect and is much easier to drink than a sparkling drink.

During the feast, preference is given to high-quality and expensive products; you should not drink a lot of alcohol, since no precautions will help and you will have a hangover the next morning.


A person does not get drunk from drinking alcohol if he does not exceed the permissible dosage. If dizziness begins after drinking, this means that the body needs sleep and the systems need to recover.

Doctors prohibit drinking strong drinks during pregnancy, as alcohol provokes various pathologies in the development of the fetus.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is largely explained by the resulting result in the form of intoxication. A person becomes cheerful and relaxed, and this happens due to the impact of the breakdown products of alcohol and ethanol itself on the central nervous system. There are no special receptors for alcohol, but after the product enters the body, a cascade of enzymatic reactions is launched. The released neurotransmitters contribute to the feeling of intoxication and create a feeling of euphoria.

Mechanism of development of intoxication

Alcohol intoxication develops in all people according to the same principle, but with at different speeds and strength. Ethanol, after entering the body, begins to be partially absorbed into oral cavity and penetrate into the blood. The rest of it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach and small intestine. Then the algorithm or mechanism of the process is described from the point of view of physiology and biochemistry:

  • ethanol is carried through the bloodstream and mixed with lipids and water;
  • the substance penetrates the blood-brain barrier into the brain;
  • there the neurotransmitter GABA is activated, triggering the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system;
  • at the same time, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released, giving a feeling of pleasure;
  • at the same time, the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase are activated;
  • enzyme systems break down ethanol to acetaldehyde and acetic acid.

Acetaldehyde, a breakdown intermediate (highly toxic), then enters the brain and combines with dopamine to form a morphine-like substance. It is this that gives the feeling of intoxication, disrupts coordination of movements, memory, and dulls the receptors of the senses. A person may behave atypically and even aggressively.

If the secreted enzymes become insufficient to neutralize ethanol, and alcohol continues to flow, protective mechanisms are triggered. A person gets drunk from alcohol and falls asleep. Less commonly, loss of consciousness or respiratory arrest occurs due to blockage of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Inhibition processes prevail until all the alcohol is converted into acetic acid and excreted by the kidneys or lungs.

Why does a person get drunk quickly?

The rate of intoxication depends not only on the amount of alcohol consumed and its strength, but also on other reasons. The length of time you lose sobriety is influenced by genetic factors. Microbiologists studied the activity of enzymatic systems for processing alcohol and realized that it depends on the suppressor gene. This gene suppresses the production of alcohol dehydrogenase.

The population in Asia has this genetic code, so they get drunk quickly. Enzymes simply do not have time to break down alcohol. Representatives of the Caucasian race get drunk slowly, so they can drink large quantity drinks. They have a predominant fast cleavage complex and alcohol dehydrogenase is activated faster.

The most dangerous option, which is typical for residents of the CIS countries, is the presence of alcohol dehydrogenase and a small amount or suppression of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Then the toxic substance acetaldehyde accumulates in the blood, causing a severe hangover.

A person quickly gets drunk at an older age, after 40 years, due to a slowdown in metabolic processes. Women are faster than men due to the high activity of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver and its deficiency in the gastrointestinal tract. Low weight and calmness of the body are other reasons for the rapid loss of control.

In people with excess body weight, alcohol binds with fats, leaving the bloodstream, and in thin people, it binds only with water, circulating in the blood. In addition, an excited mood helps speed up metabolism and activate all metabolic processes, even after drinking alcohol. But in a balanced state, people get drunk quickly.

How to drink and not get drunk

It must be remembered that alcohol begins to be absorbed into the blood from the oral cavity. Therefore, taking the drink in slow sips will lead to rapid intoxication. To avoid losing control, you need to drink in one gulp.

Don't mix different types alcohol. If the evening begins with champagne, then it is not recommended to snack on sweet foods. This will speed up the process of intoxication. In addition, you should not drink on an empty stomach. Before the feast, it is recommended to eat protein foods or, for example, drink yogurt.

Activated carbon will help you get drunk more slowly. It should be drunk half an hour before starting to drink intoxicants in age-appropriate doses. Additionally, while eating with ethyl, you can take a Pancreatin or Mezim tablet, this will speed up the metabolic processes of other substances (lipids, proteins). Each glass of wine (or shot of strong drink) should be diluted with a glass of clean water.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

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Personally, I have met such people, but only a few. It seems that they drink along with everyone else, but not in one eye, as they say. Read what science thinks about all this. How is this possible, really?

There are people: they drink from Friday to Monday - and nothing to them! And some people just smell the champagne and are already cheerful, but in the morning they have a headache. What determines tolerance to alcohol?

Dmitry Nikogosov Geneticist, head of the analytical service of the biomedical holding "Atlas"

The “reaction to alcohol” is divided into two phases: intoxication and hangover.

Intoxication is a process that has not yet been fully studied by science. This condition is associated with the toxic effects of alcohol on the nervous system. The nervous system contains special substances - neurotransmitters, which transmit signals from one nerve cell to another. One of these neurotransmitters - GABA - is inhibitory and reduces the excitability of nerve cells. Ethanol (alcohol) enhances the effect of GABA, as a result the drunk person relaxes more than usual and begins to feel euphoria. If you drink even more, drowsiness, lethargy and uncoordinated movements will appear.

But alcohol in its pure form does not last long inside the body. And after intoxication comes a hangover.

How is alcohol metabolized?

From the stomach, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the blood. It travels with the blood to the liver, where it is processed under the action of enzymes.

The first enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase, converts ethyl alcohol into acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is poison. Hangover syndrome - with headache, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms - is a condition of acetaldehyde poisoning.

However, another enzyme also works in the liver - acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. It is included in the process when acetaldehyde appears and converts it into relatively harmless acetic acid, which is converted into water and carbon dioxide and no longer causes hangover symptoms.

So, your “reaction to alcohol” depends on the activity of two enzymes - alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

How enzymes work

The structure of all enzymes in our body is encoded in DNA. Genes are a kind of “blueprint” according to which various proteins, including enzymes, are created in the body. The structure of alcohol dehydrogenase is encoded by the ADH gene, and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase by the ALDH gene. And often in these gene “blueprints” there are modifications that determine various features of alcohol absorption.

No mutations

If there are no mutations in the ADH and ALDH genes, then the enzymes work like clockwork: when alcohol enters the bloodstream, it quickly turns into acetaldehyde, and acetaldehyde is just as quickly converted into harmless acetic acid. In this case, a person feels both intoxicated and hangover for a very short time (of course, if you don’t immediately drink a bottle of vodka or brandy without preparation, then there may not be enough actively working enzymes).

These strong people always keep the situation under control and can be spies, shaking out information from drunken drinking buddies.

Mutation in ALDH

Alcohol dehydrogenase works quickly, but acetaldehyde dehydrogenase barely functions. As a result, acetaldehyde is not neutralized, and a person can hardly tolerate alcohol and experiences a hangover even from small portions. This feature of the body is called alcohol intolerance. By the way, one of the ways to treat alcoholism is to block acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Drunkenness doesn't make a person feel good - they immediately feel bad. That's why he prefers not to drink.

Mutation in ADH

The opposite case: the first enzyme works poorly, and the second works well. As a result, a person does not experience a hangover, but remains in a state of joyful intoxication for a very long time. It would seem that you are lucky! But every coin has a flip side: people with such genetic features are more susceptible to developing alcoholism and often begin to abuse alcohol.

Two mutations

The most severe option is when both genes are damaged, and, accordingly, both enzymes work poorly. With such features, even from small doses of alcohol, long-term intoxication occurs, after which an equally long hangover occurs. Like Zhenya Lukashin, who over the course of two episodes of “The Irony of Fate” is poorly aware of what is happening and generally feels unwell. This option is quite rare in our latitudes.

What does it depend on?

The way the body absorbs alcohol is to a large extent determined by belonging to a particular nation and the history of its development. The fact is that many centuries ago, different peoples developed two main methods of disinfecting water: by diluting with alcohol and by boiling. The first method was typical for the West, the second - for the East, which also explains the developed culture of tea drinking among Eastern peoples and developed winemaking among Western peoples.

As a result of regular consumption of alcohol mixed with water, natural selection has occurred, and now most Europeans are born with a good tolerance to alcohol. In Asia, on the contrary, such processes did not occur, therefore, among the eastern peoples there are many people with alcohol intolerance and many who are susceptible to alcoholism.

IN modern Russia both people with good functioning of both enzymes and those with one of the enzymes acting up are widely represented, and geographical patterns can also be traced: in the western part of the country, citizens with good alcohol tolerance predominate, and as you move east, gene variants become more common ADH or ALDH, undesirable for drinkers.

External factors

It is worth noting that genetics is an important, but not the only factor influencing the likelihood of a hangover and alcohol tolerance. For example, low-quality drinks may contain an excess of fusel oils, which are similar to ethanol in structure, and therefore are also processed by alcohol dehydrogenase, but into very harmful substances that intensify hangover symptoms many times over, and no ideal genes can cope with this. There is also a “training” factor: if a person regularly drinks small doses of alcohol, his enzyme system adapts, as a result of which it is also well absorbed when drinking large amounts of alcohol. An alcoholic will always outdrink a “newbie.”

Everyone already knows that after drinking alcohol, a person becomes drunk. It is difficult not to distinguish a drunk person from a sober one - slurred speech, unsteady gait, specific smell. The degree of intoxication is individual for each person. It depends on many factors: age, gender, health, the amount of alcohol drunk and even in what mood the person picked up the glass.

But there are situations when ethanol has no effect on the individual. And even after a copious libation, the intoxicating drink does not take it. For what reasons did alcohol suddenly cease to bring euphoria, a feeling of relaxation, why does a person not get drunk from alcohol? What does this mean and is this syndrome dangerous for health?

If a feeling of intoxication does not come after drinking, this indicates the presence and progression of alcoholism

To deal with such a strange situation that deprives a person of the desired intoxicating feeling, it is necessary to find out what intoxication depends on. What processes occur in the body under the influence of ethanol?

  1. As soon as ethyl alcohol is in the stomach, active processes of its absorption into the bloodstream begin.
  2. Erythrocytes (red blood cells), which are part of the body's defense system, fail before the toxic effects of alcohol. Ethanol breaks their outer coating and successfully mixes with blood cells. The bloodstream quickly distributes ethyl alcohol throughout the internal systems and organs.
  3. Once in the brain cells, ethanol has a detrimental effect on them. As a result, the person experiences feelings of intoxication - slight dizziness, increased mood, unsteadiness of gait, decreased reflexes and problems with speech.

The feeling of joy and euphoria is the result of the activity of the hormones serotonin, dopamine and endorphin. These neurotransmitters are responsible for the expression of joy, pleasure and good mood in humans.

But in the case of intoxication, the surge in the activity of these compounds is a short-term state. The wild fun amid intoxication is replaced by lethargy, weakness and melancholy. The fact is that red blood cells destroyed by ethyl alcohol, entering the brain through the bloodstream, mercilessly destroy brain neurons.

The brain is the main target of ethyl alcohol attack

Intoxication is an extremely changeable state, accompanied by the death of many thousands of nerve brain cells. Moreover, damaged receptors are no longer able to recover - they are destroyed forever. What happens next?

  • decomposition of dead areas of the brain begins;
  • small bumps-bubbles with liquid putrefactive contents form in the affected areas;
  • the body is trying with all its might to get rid of tumors, using cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Thanks to this, dead and dead cells dissolve, causing powerful pressure on the cerebral cortex.

This pressure leads to the unbearable headache that visits an overdrunk person every morning. Migraines are among the most common symptoms of a hangover.

This is how the process of intoxication occurs. What if it doesn't come? What happens to the body, because some people puzzle themselves with the question of why I drink and don’t get drunk from alcohol. Let's figure it out.

Reason 1: “training”

As a result of prolonged addiction to alcohol-containing products and the massive destruction of brain cells, the cerebral cortex shrinks and decreases in size. By the way, the same reaction, along with alcoholism, is caused by tobacco and drug addiction.

It has been established that if a person regularly drinks alcohol for 4-5 years, the number of neurons in his brain decreases by several thousand. And the brain matter itself becomes 2-3 times smaller compared to the brain of a healthy, non-drinking person.

What happens in this case? The result is a person’s complete immunity to alcohol. A person does not feel the feeling of drunkenness, because the dying off of the surviving neurons is no longer occurring at such a rapid pace; there are too few of them left.

How does alcohol affect the brain matter?

Since these brain receptors are no longer restored after their death, their death occurs at a slower pace. But how then do “brain-drunk” alcoholics even live, walk, communicate, and feel something? The fact is that this happens due to the unique characteristics of the human body to exist in extreme conditions.

But no matter how much the body, damaged by prolonged drunkenness, strives for a normal existence, a person suffering from alcoholism is no longer able to solve serious problems. The level of intelligence of such people is much weaker. And alcohol addicts are no longer able to think rationally as well as they could with a sober lifestyle.

Reason 2: “game of genes”

Trying to explain why you don’t get drunk from alcohol, you can also look for reasons in heredity. But first, let's go through a little physiology. When toxic alcohol enters the body, the first thing that begins to try to fight the toxic environment is the liver.

The reason for rapid alcoholism and immunity to alcohol may be hidden in the absence of alcohol dehydrogenase in the body in some people

The organ actively begins to produce a special enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase. This compound oxidizes ethyl alcohol, bringing it to the final decomposition products: acetic acid and water.

In small doses, ethyl alcohol can play the role of a natural metabolite, since it produces energy when broken down. But at large doses, ethanol turns into a powerful poison.

This enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) may not be produced in all people. Most of all it is observed in the organisms of southern peoples. After all, vineyards have been grown there since ancient times, and people have been drinking natural grape wine since childhood.

But the peoples of the north cannot boast in this regard. Their body is genetically programmed to produce little alcohol dehydrogenase. By the way, some indigenous northerners do not produce this enzyme at all. That is why such nationalities as the Yakuts, Nenets, Sami, Chukchi, and Khanty instantly become alcoholics.

And northerners develop addiction even after 100-200 g of alcohol. Well, the natural result is the development of the body’s tolerance (and quite quickly) to alcohol itself and its further immunity.

Each of us is familiar with the picture when the feast is almost over: one participant is already asleep, the second is falling asleep, and the rest of the guests demand continuation and are full of energy for fun! Why does a person get drunk? Does it really all depend on the “ability to drink” or do you need to know some secrets in order to stay sober for a long time? In fact, everything is quite simple - the degree of susceptibility to alcohol is influenced by many factors, the biochemical processes of each individual organism, on which intoxication depends.

The mechanism of the effects of alcohol on humans

After alcohol enters the stomach, it begins to be absorbed into the blood. Having the properties of a solvent, alcohol destroys the film membrane of red blood cells, as a result of which the blood cells stick together and move through the vessels with difficulty. Such “traffic jams” impede the flow of blood and oxygen to individual organs, which leads to oxygen starvation.

The brain begins to “think poorly” and the drunk person ceases to navigate in space with the necessary clarity. Each subsequent dose of alcohol only increases the formation of clots and provokes greater oxygen starvation. This is dangerous, since large blood clots, “getting stuck” in the bloodstream, can lead to irreversible consequences: brain neurons die, necessary substances are washed out, and restoration of normal function is almost impossible. Therefore, chronic alcoholics are no longer interested in the question “why do I get drunk,” but only in “how to get drunk quickly.”

Causes of rapid intoxication

Considering not chronically drinking people, and those who drink alcohol once in a while, it can also be noted that some people get drunk faster than others. And if you asked yourself the question: why do I get drunk quickly, consider several reasons and factors:

  1. A small amount or complete absence of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in the body will lead to the fact that people not only get drunk faster than others, but literally “fall into the salad” after taking a sip of dry wine.
  2. Women tolerate alcohol much worse than men - this is inherent in nature and weight, height and other indicators do not matter.
  3. The age factor is of the highest importance: with the number of years lived, the rate of processing and removal of ethanol from the blood decreases, due to which a person can get drunk almost instantly.

Interesting! Obese people take longer to get drunk because of the fat layer that absorbs alcohol. However, the hangover syndrome in such people lasts much longer and passes with high pain.

  1. The speed of drinking the drink should not be high. It is necessary to give the liver time to process ethanol, only then drink the next dose - this measure will help to stay sober for a long time even for those who “can’t drink” at all.
  2. The fattier the snack, the less people gets drunk. Getting drunk on an empty stomach is guaranteed to get a powerful and quick alcoholic hit, which will lead to rapid intoxication.
  3. The stronger the drink, the faster the process of intoxication occurs. But don’t underestimate carbon dioxide – the bubbles speed up the process of alcohol absorption into the blood, which is why all fizzy alcoholic drinks instantly “hit the head”.

Human enzyme system

This is also a factor that influences whether an individual gets drunk slowly or quickly. The stomach produces a small amount of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol; the rest is processed by the liver. The presence of alcohol dehydrogenase is responsible for the processing of ethanol into acetaldehyde - this is a poison that is toxic to humans, but the presence of acetalhyde dehydrogenase helps break down the poison into acid, which is then processed into water and carbon dioxide.

If the amount of enzymes is low, for example due to liver disease, then the person instantly gets drunk and falls from one glass of cognac. The presence or absence of enzymes is determined by genetic predisposition, blood type, etc. congenital features. And there are no recipes for turning from a light drinker into someone who is able to consume liters of beer and remain sober.

Important! You should never mix an alcoholic drink with a carbonated drink - this will speed up the process of alcohol absorption into the blood. But if you mix a cocktail with juice, the absorption of alcohol into the blood will slow down significantly.

How to drink and not get drunk for a long time?

  1. 5-6 hours before the feast, drink 1-2 glasses of the drink that will be served. After which, eat well so that the body begins to produce an enzyme to break down ethanol. The measure will first lead to complete sobering up, but then, at a common table, alcohol will be digested much faster.
  2. 15-20 minutes before the feast, take 25 grams. tinctures of Eleutherococcus. An effective measure against rapid intoxication.
  3. Are you planning to go to a club that serves beer and weak cocktails? Brew strong black or green tea, be sure to add lemon and drink in small sips while the drink is hot. Coffee will also work, but drinking it with lemon is not entirely pleasant. Citrus and vitamin C will not only help relieve a hangover in the morning, but will also speed up the breakdown of alcohol and remove it from the body.
  4. If the feast has formed spontaneously, you need to eat a piece of something fatty: meat, cheese, even a spoon butter. Give yourself 15 minutes to wait and you can calmly start drinking.
  5. The longer the interval between doses, the longer you can stay sober.

You should drink only high-quality drinks - counterfeit always causes rapid intoxication and a painful hangover. The snack is important: good and filling food will retain alcohol in the stomach, preventing it from being quickly absorbed into the blood. Therefore, if you need to drink a lot and stay on your feet for a long time, do not forget to eat! Let it be a couple of sandwiches (at a buffet or reception a full plate looks ridiculous), but with caviar, fatty cheeses, and sauces.

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